23 April, 2006
Sunday 9th - Saturday 22nd

A quick catch up ......
Tuesday 11th - Matt and Karen returned suntanned from their honeymoon in the Maldive Islands and Dubai. Of course they had a fantastic time - who wouldn't sunning themselves on their own private water villa built over a coral reef!! See here for more details of paradise!
Friday 14th - Karen, Matt, Kerry and I went for a drive along the western side of Loch Lomond. Although the weather wasn't the best, the scenery was once again spectacular. We met up with Karen's parents - Tom and Anne - at Luss.

Saturday 22nd - Kerry and I

Much of the rest of the time has been spent chauffeuring Matt around so he can continue working. Unfortunately, while on his honeymoon, he injured his ankle and has continued to have trouble with it.
We have seen alot of Scottish supermarkets - and of course the country in between - particularly around Edinburgh and the east coast. A highlight was going to Perth, Dundee and St Andrews last Friday (where Matt drove).
Despite the fact that Matt doesn't like the way I drive I've managed so far not to hit anything or have anything hit me!! Although, I must admit the roundabouts here sometimes get me a little confused - three lanes, six o